
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

General Questions

We are based in Nanton, Alberta, and our end of life services are available throughout Western Canada. Contact us about local rates for your location.

We have three large stock trailers, 20’ to 24’, equipped with winches to assist us in gentle, discreet removal.

We offer end of life services including euthanasia, cremation and burial. We also provide transport and memorial services.

Cremation Services

We respect any decision regarding end of life services. Cremation services may be preferable for individuals who do not wish to bury their animal or those who want a memorial.

The cost of horse cremation will depend on whether it is a communal or private cremation and the post-cremation memorial services. Please contact Just Passing for more information.

Our crematorium is located in Nanton, Alberta.

Burial Services

Yes, you can bury animals on your property. However, the provincial Disposal of Dead Animals Regulation has several restrictions, which you can learn about here.

Our burial services take place in either Edmonton or Calgary landfills.

We will transport and offload the body at the appropriate location. Municipal employees are responsible for the digging and filling of the gravesite. A representative of Just Passing will be present to witness and assist during the private burial.

Euthanasia Services

Only your veterinarian is authorized to administer sedative to your horse, and if necessary, they may use it as part of the euthanasia process. 

Some owners may wish to be part of the service, and it is best to follow all the representative’s instructions for safety.

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